Minteriors Cleaning Services Inc.

Телефон: 416-497-1100
Другой телефон: 1-888-464-6468
Факс: 416-497-4163
Адрес: 3 Caprara Cres., Markham, Ont.
Почтовый индекс: L6B 0B7
Ппровинция: Онтарио
Карта: Просмотр большой карты
Web Directory No.LK-2216-3239
We at Minteriors are proud to support the Fight against Breast Cancer. For more information or to help in the fight please visit the "Canadian Breast Cancer Foundations" website or click on the pink ribbon.

We know what it means to be over-committed and out of time. After all, Minteriors has been helping households make the most of their agendas since 1987. We are independently owned and operated, with fresh vision and renewed spirit. Join us! Help set the standard for a whole new kind of clean. Let us help you keep your home looking beautiful!

In short, superior checklist service. Reliable, flexible scheduling. Trained, professional staff, fully bonded and insured. We arrive fully equipped. No need to worry about transportation, cleaning supplies or equipment. We guarantee our work. But, better yet, we make it a point to get it right the first time.

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