Canada Bonded Attorney

Телефон: 905-740-3183
Факс: 905-740-3105
Адрес: 1280 Courneypark Dr E, Mississauga Ont
Почтовый индекс: L5T 1N6
Сити: Миссиссауга
Ппровинция: Онтарио
Карта: Просмотр большой карты
Electronic Computers
Computer Peripheral Equipment, Nec
Radio and T.v. Communications Equipment
Custom Computer Programming Services
Prepackaged Software
Web Directory No.LK-29172-3778
As a leading provider of business solutions, Synergex Corporation offers a variety of services and support for some of the world's leading organizations. Through continued growth, management experience and a strong financial performance, Synergex has enabled customers to reduce costs and optimize their business processes thereby resulting in greater efficiency and profitability.

Synergex has a growing client base that benefits from its distinctive and unique business model unmatched by any other company. Driven towards customer satisfaction, retention and expansion, future profitability and modernization, Synergex focuses on core strengths of innovation, agility and experience. With this direction in mind, Synergex has consistently emerged as innovators, paving the way for business development, creation and success.

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